PublicationsThe U4 Blog


Covid-19 vaccine development and roll-out: Improving transparency and accountability

June 11, 2021 15.00–16.30 Berlin, Germany 16.00–17.30 Nairobi, Kenya 09.00–10.30 Washington DC, USA 20.00–21.30 Jakarta, Indonesia

11 June 2021

Covid-19 vaccine development and roll-out: Improving transparency and accountability
Photo: Freepik CC BY

How can we reduce secrecy and improve transparency and accountability across the Covid-19 vaccine value chain?

Covid-19 vaccine bottles with text overlay


Register for the webinar on WebEx

June 11, 2021:

14.00–15.30 London, UK
15.00–16.30 Berlin, Germany
16.00–17.30 Nairobi, Kenya
09.00–10.30 Washington DC, USA
20.00–21.30 Jakarta, Indonesia


  • Till Bruckner, Director of Transparimed
    Opportunities and challenges for clinical trial transparency in the context of Covid-19
  • Karen Hussmann, U4 Affiliate Expert
  • Dr Amaka Vanni, Lecturer in Law, University of Leeds
  • Prof Ole F. Norheim, Director of Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting, University of Bergen, Norway


Who is this webinar for?

Health and anti-corruption practitioners, activists, researchers, and policymakers.


Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the medical and scientific communities have focused on identifying medicines to treat Covid-19 patients and developing vaccines to achieve immunity. In 2020, the World Health Assembly called on all parties to guarantee universal access to Covid-19 vaccines. The recent proposal for an international treaty on pandemics builds on this commitment.

Nonetheless, progress on rolling out Covid-19 vaccines has been slow and uneven. Not only are poorer countries paying higher prices for the same Covid-19 vaccines than high-income countries, but they are also struggling to secure much-needed doses at a faster rate.

How can we secure more transparency and accountability across all key points of the Covid-19 vaccine value chain? In this virtual roundtable, we draw from experiences from different experts in the field to discuss how to improve transparency and accountability in areas such as, research and development, procurement and contracting, and distribution.



Register for the webinar on WebEx

Questions? Contact:

Daniela Cepeda Cuadradro, U4 Adviser / [email protected]

Related reading

Mitigating corruption risks in COVID-19 vaccine rollout. What can donors do? (U4 Helpdesk Answer)

Vaccine hesitancy, institutional mistrust and corruption in sub-Saharan Africa: everything is connected (U4 Blog)