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Development success in perspective: A political economy of REDD+ and corruption in Vietnam

Vietnam has become a key target for donor REDD+ investments. It has been estimated that the forest and climate scheme could generate an annual income of between USD 80-100 million, roughly half of the country’s annual health sector budget. In an attempt to realise REDD+ in Vietnam, over USD 84 million has been committed since 2009 to support REDD+ readiness activities. It is widely recognised that development of specific governance safeguards is required to ensure the effective use of these funds, given historic and contemporary corruption challenges in the country’s forest sector.

This paper assesses REDD+ related corruption risks in the context of Vietnam’s wider development efforts. It highlights opportunities for mitigating REDD+ corruption risks through improving data availability and transparency, promoting national collaboration, enhancing participation and engagement, and improving monitoring and evaluation capabilities.

11 January 2016
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Development success in perspective: A political economy of REDD+ and corruption in Vietnam

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Huynh, T. (2016) Development success in perspective: A political economy of REDD+ and corruption in Vietnam. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2016:1) 45 p

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Thu Ba Huynh


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